Character Processing Settings

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Character processing settings control how Agent Ransack handles information found in files.





File name


When searching by File Name the expression is normally matched against just the name of the file, e.g. *.txt would match history.txt. However, if you would like the File name field to match against the full path of the file switch on the Include folder path in file name search option, e.g. soft*.txt would match against:


C:\Program Files\Mythicsoft\Agent Ransack\Credits.txt




Containing Text


When searching by Containing Text the expression is normally matched against just the contents of the file. To include the file name and/or path in the content search use the Include file name in content search or Include folder path in content search options, otherwise only the content of the file is used for searching.



End of Line (EOL) Identifiers


Defines which other EOL identifiers Agent Ransack should use. Normally a Windows text file will use a CRLF (carriage return 0x0d, line feed 0x0a) combination to indicate the end of a line. However, other operating systems use different standards, usually either a stand alone CR or a stand alone LF character.


Maximum characters per line - sets the limit to the line length if an EOL character is not found. Lines that exceed the maximum line length are broken into separate lines, although the line number for the line stays the same.



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