Wildcard Expression Settings

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Wildcard settings specify whether the expression matching rules will follow strict matching rules.





Strictly conforming


When set to 'Strictly conforming syntax' the matching rules will force a boundary check at the beginning and end of the expression if a wildcard character is found. e.g.


the expression locator* would NOT match the filename AgentRansack.exe since it doesn't begin with the term 'locator', instead the search term would need to be set to *locator*.


When the option has been switched off it is still possible to specify the boundary check using the '<' and '>' characters, e.g.


the expression <locator*> is equivalent to Strict expression locator*



Imply boundary markers


When switched on Wildcard expression matching assumes that an expression that includes a dot (period) is specifying a file extension and therefore implies a boundary marker at the end of the expression, e.g. file*.txt will match:




but not:





Please see Expression Types for more information about Wildcard Expressions.


Note: In earlier versions of the product Wildcard expressions used to be referred to as DOS Expressions.

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