Shell Integration Settings

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Shell integration settings control how Agent Ransack integrates into the Window shell.




Associate with file types

Associates Agent Ransack with the files types:

- SRF  the default extension for Agent Ransack's saved result file.

- FLSX the default extension for Agent Ransack's saved session file.

- FLWX the default extension for Agent Ransack's workspace file.



When set double-clicking on a file of any of those file types will launch Agent Ransack opening the specified file.


Add to a Folder's context menu

Adds Agent Ransack to the context menu of folders and drives. This provides a convenient way to launch Agent Ransack for a given folder through right-clicking on the folder and selecting the program from the context menu.


Add to a File's context menu

Adds Agent Ransack to the context menu of all files. This provides a convenient way to use Agent Ransack to search a limited selection of files through right-clicking on a selection of files, and selecting the program from the context menu.


Replace default Explorer Search

Launches Agent Ransack, instead of Windows Search, when Ctrl+F or F3 is pressed in Windows Explorer.


Enable HotKey launch

Enables launching of Agent Ransack using the key combination WinKey+Alt+F or WinKey+Alt+F3.


Note: Hotkey support in enabled through the use of a small light weight application called FLProHotKey that is added to the system start-up list.


UAC Note: Since changing shell settings requires administrative privileges Agent Ransack launches a separate application, ShellAdmin.exe, to actually make the shell changes. ShellAdmin.exe requires privilege escalation and therefore displays a UAC escalation request if UAC is enabled.

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Help file version: 9.0

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